
Hairdresser comes to Smithfield House!

Tots Crops provides a children’s hairdressing service where our stylists come to our child's nursery and cut their hair during nursery time in either a morning or afternoon session. You drop them off as normal and pick them up at the end of the day with their hair cut just the way you want it. Children have to be at ease with their surroundings in order to cooperate when having their hair cut and the Tots Crops’ stylists have the experience and expertise to deliver a fun and hassle-free experience for your tots.

National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA)

#First5yearscount campaign

Nurseries aren't just childcare.


Did you know a high quality nursery can put children three months ahead? We know that nurseries and the early years workforce have an impact that lasts a lifetime. We’re here to shout loud and proud about the incredible difference nurseries and the early years workforce make and give thanks to those who give so much to the futures of children.

Our #Firstfiveyearscount campaign has launched to celebrate the early years sector and all they do to make the first five years of a child’s life count.

A high-quality, affordable early years sector also enables parents to be a productive part of the workforce.

On behalf of the early years sector, parents and families, we are striving to:

  1. Increase understanding of the importance of early childhood education
  2. Improve the perception of the early years workforce as educators of young children 0-5
  3. Address the recruitment and retention crisis
  4. Boost the positive feedback the workforce receives about their work
  5. Support the uptake of early years places within settings.

We at Smithfield House Children’s Nursery have pledged our support will you?  We can provide you with email banners.
