Learning Journals

All children will have a Learning Journey documenting their development. It is related to the children’s Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and observations of your child.  We use an online package called Famly.

Parents/carers can download our App to their phone. It is very user friendly and looks a bit like Facebook. However, it will not disclose any information connected to any other family, it is personal to you and is linked via your email address. The platform allows you to connect directly to your child’s key person and other team members. Your child’s key person will share with you how your child has been throughout the day:

  • If/when they have slept
  • What they have eaten
  • When they have been to the toilet or had their nappy changed
  • Show pictures of your child at play (there may be images of your child’s peers if they are taking part in group activities. We will always ask our families for consent to share their child’s image for group activities)
  • Parents/carers can link other family members to the App if they wish to share their child’s learning journey with them i.e. grandparents
  • Parents/carers can inform the nursery if their child is going on holiday, will not be attending because they are ill, or to book additional sessions (Please check with the team first to see if the requested extra session day is available)
  • Invoices can be sent directly to your email
  • Parents/carers can contact the nursery out of hours (we will get back to you as soon as we can)
  • The nursery can share any news, or information of up-and-coming courses parents/carers may be interested in attending i.e. Paediatric First Aid.
  • The App is a perfect fit in maintaining an effective communication system between nursery and our families.
  • Click on the Famly logo below to complete an enquiry form.